Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Internet Time Machine

A look back the Internet message boards in 1977, shortly after the casting announcement for Superman the Movie:

Ladykiller71: WTF? They cast some soap actor as Superman?

SexyLexy: This movie's gonna suck. A bunch of unknown actors, and directed by teh guy who made The Omen? Really? This shows a fundamental lack of understanding about why Superman works.

Supermonkey: If it's not set in the '40s and have SUoperman fighting giant robots, not interested. Hope it tanks.

GO-GO-GODZILLA: Christopher Reeves (?) was choice #547. Every other actor turned it down. Paul Newman wasn't interested, neither was Robert Redford. This smells of FAIL.

FarrahHair: Newman as Superman would have been AWESOME.

3scompany: What about Burt Reynolds?

KISSARMY: Reynold's won't shave his 'stache for nobody. Last time he did some dude got raped in the woods by hillbillies. He's superstitious about it now.

SexyLexy: I wonder of Christopher Reeves is related to George Reeves, the ONE TRUE SUPERMAN. He probably changed his name just to get the part.

GO-GO-GODZILLA: I wouldn't be surprised if they try to make Superman "modern" by having him cuss and making Lois show her tits and shit.

Supermonkey: Did someone say tits?

FarrahHair: I'd pay to see Superman dropkick Barry Manilow into the sun.

KISSARMY: Does anybody care about Superman anymore? Where's my Howard the Duck movie!?

FrodoWasRight145: I was trying to be optimistic about this whole thing but damn, this sounds terrible. And KISSARMY ... Howard the Duck would make a kickass film.

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